Friday, March 6, 2009

Returning from the Dead

Hey hey! Long time no see!

Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been distracted by life and haven't been keeping you updated. I just found my friend Mary's new blog and she lit the spark and got me going again! You should definitely check it out:

Anywho, life's been a whirlwind as of late. I went home for Christmas and decided to drop out of my internship program, changed my mind, returned to Berkeley, decided to become a Montessori teacher in Dallas, dropped out of Bike and Build, changed my mind about Montessori, extended my stay at TAP, briefly considered applying to film school and am now in the running to work at a stunning summer camp right here in the Bay Area! That's the overview.

Ok, so now that we're all caught up let's move on to more pressing matters like what's been holding my interest lately and getting me fired up about life.

#1 I have a powerful new obsession with Bones, an hour-long drama that merges the best parts of CSI and Law and Order: SVU with a side of AMAZING! Bones is currently in it's 4 Season which means Grace and I had a lot of catching up to do. We've made it into Season 3 and it just keeps getting better. You should check it out here: Watch Bones

#2 Don't Shoot the Dog by: Karen Pryor is by far the most exciting and engaging book I've read in years. It was a magically perfect gift from the above-mentioned friend Mary and I am completely enamored with the possibilities! Karen Pryor explores behavioral training methods and positive reinforcement in teaching. I'm am now so well-trained you wouldn't believe it ;) Check her out here:

#3 Steve and Kate's Camp is the mind-blowing summer program I am hoping to be a part of starting in June. I interviewed the last week of February and I should here back soon. Check it out here:

#4 Rachel Maddow is my new hero for all things news. Until recently I have had zero understanding of the economic catastrophe or issues with our healthcare system. That is, until I came across Maddow's interview on Leno and she broke it down for us normal folks. She's a power hitter and she makes sense to me. Check her out:

#5 Prop 8 went to the Supreme Court yesterday in California and the Bay Area is humming with the energy of a discontented minority group. My fingers are crossed that the candle light vigil and rallies in San Francisco, attended by thousands, planted the idea of change in the hearts of the uninformed and unconvinced. We'll know their decision in 90 days. I have faith in the natural tendency within our nation to evolve. As Mary talks about on her blog:

"My mother has been reading David Freeman Hawke’s Everyday Life in Early America. Here’s a quote she shared with me:

Spoons were the essential utensil at the table. Knives, if they turned up, were pointed and used to spear food from the common serving dish. Forks did not appear until the eighteenth century. There were those who held that forks were “a diabolical luxury,” and that “God would not have given us fingers if He had wished us to use such an instrument.”

It’s funny how resistant people are to change, even to something beneficial and fairly harmless like a fork. Instead, people often resort to defending the status quo as being better (whether or not it actually is) or evoking a deity to defend their position (even if this leads to fairly preposterous ad hoc arguments."

Well said miss Mary. I couldn't agree more. I firmly believe that in the end opponents of Gay Marriage will find themselves mightily embarrassed and out-of-date if they don't change their ways. It's just a matter of time.

Much more to come about life on the west coast and things that keep me thinking! Work is becoming a very different animal now that I'm past my indentured servitude and into my chosen adventure. Promise to tell you more about it soon.

In the meantime I miss you all and wish you'd road trip your butts out here so we can share in this adventure.


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