Hey All!
just wanted to check in. I was assigned a new project last week. Guess what? I'm writing the Tibetan Aid Project's official blog posts. Of course they have to be much shorter and more focused on specific subjects but they're lots of fun and you should check them out. The link is: http://tibetanaidproject.org/tapblog/
I'm also back in the fundraising business. I was taken off proposal writing but since Meagan, the one who is heading up that project, leaves at the end of the year I am going to take over for her. That means I am now the Executive Assistant and Marketing/Fundraising Coordinator. Say that 10 times fast! It makes for an impressive email signature :)
All's well on my side of the country. Work is hopping along. It's a bit less social than I'm used to but I'm adjusting. We just started the fall quarter which means my course load has picked up. I like what I'm taking so far. Here's the schedule:
Monday: Working with Emotions
Tuesday: Compassion in Action
Buddhist Studies Tutorial: Sustaining Bodhicitta
Wednesday: Beginning Kum Nye
Devotional Chanting with Sacred Art
Thursday: Compassion in Action
Beginning Tibetan, Level 1 (maybe)
So far I've been to Working with Emotions, Compassion in Action, and Devotional Chanting with Sacred Art. I love love love all three of them. The Working with Emotions class is actually taught by a Psychiatrist who specializes in the study of emotions and the incorporation of mindfulness therapy into her work. She's been a long time student at the Institute and her interests perfectly correspond with what I wrote about for my thesis. We're going to exchange notes sometime in the next week! Those of you that know my student side know that I'm totally geeking out about this :)
On a personal note: Grace got a room in a really amazing house on the border between Berkeley and Albany (north of Berkeley) and it's perfect. She will have three roommates in a really nice neighborhood right on the bus route and she's walking distance from the grocery store and this adorable little English pub that was hand-made for miss Amy Elkins. We had drinks there the other night after she "interviewed" for the room. She moves in Monday which I'm sure is a huge relief after her extended stay as a temporary volunteer here at the Institute. We're doing our major mailer right now so she gets to stuff, sort, and seal mail for hours. She's been great though! Everyone loves her here at TAP and doesn't want her to go.
All in all, I still love it here in Berkeley. The euphoria has worn off and the day-to-day routine has set in but I just become more comfortable and content with the work and the practices which are better than I could've asked for. I'm starting to see the chinks in the walls but they're endearing and wise instead of irksome and frustrating. I'm adjusting and adapting to this new world but I do miss the magical energy of working with kids or the warmth and passion of my friends back home. You guys are such a great support to me and I miss you. I love that we still talk regularly and you still provide that voice of wisdom in my ear but I wish it could be shared over coffee or tea and waffles because those days make me smile.
Love You!
Goat stories: What does your animal want?
1 year ago